
Sustainability is defined as the capability or ability to survive. It is a balance of well beings in terms of environmental, economic, and social dimensions. Thai Glass Industries Public Company Limited has held this principle along with the company growth. The ability to survive is not only on the business performance but also the responsibility for society and environment. Glass container industry strongly links to human society and environment. Everyday, many types of packaging such as plastic bottles, metal cans, paper boxes, and glass bottles are intensively used. Not all of these packaging can be recycled or reused. As consequences, they can result in high consumption of new resources and disposal of wastes.


Glass containers, among several types of packaging, can be reused and recycled. Reused and recycled glass containers can be melted down and reshaped into new glass containers. This is the advantage of glass containers that can reduce the consumption of natural resources, energy for melting, waste disposal, and emissions of greenhouse gases.

Carbon footprint

According to the studies by several organizations on the impact of glass containers on the global warming, it has been demonstrated that glass container production releases less carbon dioxide emission (carbon footprint) in comparison with other type packaging using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).

ISO14001: 2015

Thai Glass Industries Public Company Limited has also focused on continuous improvement toward environmental-friendly production. The company started to implement the ISO14001:2015 (Environmental management standard) system in 2008. The company has also improved the manufacturing system to support the use of alternative energy resources in the future. Moreover, the company has partnered with a recycling-glass company; “Kaew Krung Thai Company Limited” for continuous use of recycled glass containers.


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